Impact 1 million students in 2024
That’s right.
1 million
This is a big, BIG goal for us.
1,000,000 students that hear the message: You matter.
That’s 1,000,000 students that send a ripple through their 1,000,000 families, schools, churches, and communities.
1 million of tomorrow’s leaders who know the difference they make and equipped with the tools to make that difference.
This year calls for big change.
Our educators are consistently some of the most Overwhelmed, Overworked, and Under-Appreciated essential workers.
Through our direct work with educators and administrators, our keynotes, and our global teen programs, we look to change that.

Every student deserves to hear that they matter.
When I heard this, I had chills.
"Every student deserves to hear that they matter, to know that they belong. I wish all my students realized earlier on that they have all the tools for their own success, they have the power to change their life and the lives of others. They just need to take the first steps. How do we let more kids know how much they matter and have the power to make a difference?"
We got right to work.
We mobilized our local trainers and delivered a youth program with their NYC Schools later that month.
We were in the classroom inviting students to share their voices, letting them know how they make a difference, getting them to say aloud, some for the first time, what they hope to do with their lives.
For 18 years we have worked with educators and students , sharing the message: You Matter.
"This is one of the first times I felt comfortable talking about myself with other students."
We want this for everyone.
America…. no…. the world, needs this right now.
Where to start?
Whether you make the decisions for your school organization or not, let's discuss how Momentum can support your staff & students.
Book a call with one of our Educational Specialists. We’re here to support in each decision along the way.

We train principals, executives, professional athletes, world-class musicians, community leaders, and some of the important public figures in the world: Educators.
All of our programs focus on experiential learning. Doing is better learning.
Our workshops can be virtual or in-person. We’ve trained on 6 continents and all 50 states.
Your teams get the critical skill training they need and immediately see results. Over 95% of participants surveyed say that they have been able to immediately apply what they’ve learned.
We play games, work as partners and small teams, whiteboard, share out, write, meditate, joke, and walk away with stories to tell. There’s no sitting in the back of the class.
Your students need powerful leaders, connected teams, and role models who seek to change the world.
Your teachers need these critical tools yesterday.
That’s where we come in.
We hear you…
After speaking with thousands of leaders over the past 20 years, we noticed some consistent themes:
I wish knew what my team needed to thrive during these challenging times.
LinkedIn’s 2019 Workforce Learning Report, 94 percent of employees say that they would stay at a company longer if it simply invested in helping them learn.
We hardly have time for our work, how do I make time for team development?
40% of employed Americans said they would put energy into their work if they were simply recognized more often, and 74% felt that they weren't achieving their full potential at work due to lack of development opportunities.
There’s so much frustration and gossip across my team. I don’t know where to start.
60% of employees consider their colleagues to be the largest contributors to job happiness.
Workshops that ready your Students and Staff for the challenges of 2024.
Each of our programs are uniquely tailored to radically shift your teams’ communication, foster collaboration, equip social and emotional learning tools, and the refresh the way you work together to serve students.
Walked in tired -
Walked out energized!
-High-School Teacher, Queens, NY
We have trained 45,000+ leaders at over 1,000+ organizations and schools
Every student deserves to hear
‘You Matter’
Workshops that inspire and foster belonging in your Students
Research points to the incredibly amount of stress that this year’s students face. Many are precariously re-entering a classroom after nearly a year behind a laptop, navigating hybrid coursework, and balancing life in a post-covid world.
Through our dynamic workshops, student graduates leave excited to show up — in class, on zoom, and in their community.
Following our Teen Programs, students walk away with,
Increased confidence, immediately observable through body language.
Tools for healthy emotional expression
A vocabulary to address adversity, stress, and uncomfortable situations.
Deep and lasting relationships with other students, some of whom they haven’t met before due to remote learning environments.
A readiness to take on mentorship roles with peers and younger students
The emotional equipment to ask and offer support in times of struggle.
A firm understanding of their individual purpose, and role in their communities.
Bold commitments to themselves, their friends, their families, and their communities.
What Real Students Are Saying
This training taught me that instead of being a leader of tomorrow I can be a leader of today.
— 9th grade student
Great experience, it allows you to really develop who you are and what makes you Uuuuuu!
— 9th grade student
I learned that I have values and to love myself. I learned that other people love you and to please LOVE YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT!!!
— 9th grade Student
We still matter and we got this. All we need to do it keep looking ahead.
- 12th grade student
Momentum Education Core Workshops
Our Core Workshops leave your team prepared for the unique challenges of 2024.
Click to read more about each.
Effective Communication + Difficult Conversations
Effective communication is at the core of our functions as a team. It creates cohesion and accelerates progress or when absent, fractures teams and leaves uncertainty and frustration. Behavioral research informs us that there's four key patterns in communication that shape how we show up as both speaker and listener. Participants walk away with a firm understanding of their and others communication profiles, how to seamlessly work with varied communicators, and the tools to create clarity, resolve conflict, and build collaboration.
Teamwork + Collaboration
Does your organization function as a team or a group of individual players sharing a space together? On the court, as in the classroom and on each small team, we need players to function cohesively toward a shared goal. If lacking cohesion, we're merely working near one another -- running the clock, duplicating efforts, increasing frustration, and dropping the ball. Successful collaboration involves identifying shared objectives, opening lines of communication to involve key stakeholders and participants at the right time, and arriving at negotiations with mutually beneficial outcomes in mind. Through this highly collaborative and interactive training, participants leave with equipment to build trust, foster collaboration, and seek out mutually beneficial solutions for themselves and their team.
Thriving during challenging circumstances
Unsurprisingly, unprecedented was the people's choice word of 2020. During unprecedented times, we're operating with little information, high degree of uncertainty, and without our previous experience to guide us. It's natural to get stuck. When presented with uncertainty, we tend to freeze up or make quick, often poor decisions. Both of these have rippling consequences to our work together as teams. Teams that can navigate uncertainty and change contribute to more resilient and adaptable work environments. Learn how to identify internal and external patterns, shift roles from maintaining to creating, accelerate learning, reroute resistance, identify bridges and barriers, and reflect on our own relationship to change. Let’s face it, change is the only constant.

We developed these programs for educators and schools because we've heard enough graduates saying:
I wish I had this when I was younger.
I feel like I found momentum 20 years too late.
What a difference this would have made in middle school.
Hearing that I matter, at any age is important. I want my kids to know this. I make sure to tell them everyday. They are loved, they matter, they belong.
I finally have the tools to love and accept my family. Wish I had this sooner.
After 30 years, I reconnected with my dad. Wow. I want that time back.
We don’t have time to waste.
You are achieving things your parents and grandparents never could imagine for themselves. You are the answer to a generation of prayers.
Beyonce, to the graduating class of 2020