Teen Leadership Program
Teen Leadership is a chance to experience the dynamic energy and support of a team along with the guidance of a dedicated adult mentor. Teens and mentors meet as a group one weekend a month for four months.
*This training is free of charge due to incredible fundraising efforts by the Momentum community.
Teens work towards tangible results in their lives and participate in a teens-driven community project.The four month process concludes with a Completion Weekend designed to celebrate the results of the Leadership Program.
In the Teen Leadership, teens will explore:
Explore who they are and the impact they make
Feel connected, empowered, capable, confident and engaged
Discover and act upon their power to be responsible, committed and authentic
Experience an enriching one-to-one mentoring relationship
Focus on key areas of life with a new level of energy and creativity
Contribute and play as a member of a Team
Identify, create and implement a Team Community Service Project
SAT-SUN 10AM - 5:30PM ET
*Teens must be Momentum Teen Possibility Workshop graduates to participate in the Momentum Teen Leadership Program.

Please fill out the form to register and a team member will reach out with details and upcoming Teen Leadership Dates.
*This training is free of charge due to incredible fundraising efforts by the Momentum community.